Akward alert.
Okaaay. I'm just going to come out and ask. And I know this is something all of us non-whites have wanted to ask our white friends for a long, long time but just didn't have the nerve (or the stomach) to ask.
So, I'm going to represent.
So here goes. Ready?
OK, seriously, why do you people KISS YOUR PARENTS ON THE LIPS?
What is that? Oh My God.
I remember the first time I witnessed this. I was picking up a girl for a date from her parents house.
There I am. On the front steps oustide of her house watching her say goodbye to her parents. A nice girl close to her family. Ah, so nice to see.
Nice house. Nice car in the driveway. Well manicured lawn.
And then it rains shit on my world.
I could not believe what I was looking at.
There she is. Standing there hugging her dad and right when I think she's about to pull away, it happens. It was so disturbing I only remeber it in slow motion.
So she's about to pull away, she LOCKS eyes with her dad, HOLDS him by his fore arms, PUCKERS up and plants one on his lips!
Oh my God.
First of all, she puckered up. Why? What for? So, her dad knows she's a good kisser and that she would never kiss him with dry lips? I pucker up when I'm going to kiss my wife! Not the person that raised me. Kiss him on the cheek for christ sake and even if you do that, don't pucker up!!
Oh, thanks God..it's over. But no, she's not finished. Oh no, mom's just standing there all alone. Can't have that. Can't make mom jealous. Wouldn't want to deal with that in the morning.
So, she walks over to mom and kisses her on the lips too!
I'm standing there, mouth wide open with half an erection watching my date make out with her parents. What the hell am I supposed to do? I don't know if I should be throwing up or ask for a foursome? I don't know.
Holy crap. Can you imagine what would happen if our young Indian brothers new to the country tried to copy this? You know...just to fit in. "We all kiss our parents on the lips Sanjiv. Don't
you. What do you do on your country?"
We touch their feet for christ's sake. Their feet! Their dirty ass feet! We'd rather touch the dirt from the streets of New Delhi with our hands then touch our parents' lips with ours.