Thursday, May 9, 2013

Spent two hours at The Home Depot last Saturday. All I walked out with was a Snickers. Thanks God the guy who walked in at the sametime as me didn't walk out at the same time. He's got drills and hammers and I've got chocolate and nuget

Stupid Autotune

You know what I think we should do? Instead of wasting time being amazed at the oddball characteristics of Charles Ramsey, maybe we should try to focus on the "oddball" characteristics of the guy who is accused of holding 3 women hostage, sexually assaulting them, and confining them for 10 years. Lets see if we can pay as close attention to him as we do to the Charles Ramsey Autotunes. Make a hero out of Charles Ramsey if you wish, but don't make a mockery of this case by forgetting why he's famous in the first place.

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